(KTEN) - Tornadoes Saturday night scattered debris throughout Carter County and now homeowners are just beginning to pick up the pieces.

"Everything that has happened, it's pretty bad," Homeowner Aundie Scheible said. 

From garage doors trapping cars, roofs lying in neighbor's lawns and home interiors on full display folks in Carter County can see the line of destruction near the Plainview Estates. 

According to Carter County Sheriff Chris Bryant, there are reports of injuries but no deaths. 

"Be cognizant of these areas that have experienced this storm damage and let's put these people in our thoughts and prayers in making sure that everybody is okay," Sheriff Bryant said. 

Emergency response has been initiated from the state level. 

"FEMA will be activated, the emergency deceleration has been activated, the governor's office has been informed," Senator Jerry Alvord said. 

Aundie Scheible was in Dallas when she received an alert of an intruder on her phone, the trespasser... a tornado. 

"We immediately got in the car, hit Marietta and when we got to Marietta obviously was devastated by a tornado too, so we sat nine hours on the freeway," Scheible said. 

She returned to a flooded home and her roof ripped off. 

Now in Marietta, the tornado left debris scattered along I-35 and an eighteen-wheeler seen behind me turned on its side.

Homeland Grocery Store left in pieces after a tornado ripped through Marietta leaving powerlines down and guardrails ripped from the ground. I-35 both North and South bound has been fluctuating from open to closed due to storm damage. In a Facebook post put out by the Love County Sheriff's Office, the Marietta Water Department is asking folks to conserve water so the system can keep up with the damage.

According to Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management, one person has died in Marietta.