TOM BEAN, Texas (KTEN) — Eighty-seven percent of fire departments nationwide are staffed by volunteers, and owners of a Tom Bean coffee shop are doing their part to support them.

One dollar from every pound of Tom Beanery Coffee sold goes to support volunteer fire departments across the nation.

When the owners of heard the Tom Bean Volunteer Fire Department needed help, they decided to start their project close to home.

"We were made aware of 'Black Pearl,' the tanker truck, needing some work on the engine," said Tom Beanery Coffee co-founder David Apple. "It's one of the larger tanker trucks in the area. We0 have a ranch in a rural area, and so if we're on fire, we expect to see that truck — full of water and running properly."

Tom bean's "Black Pearl," a T-330 tanker, has the ability to fight rural fires because of it's 3,000 gallon capacity. The coffee shop hopes to raise $1,000 for the truck's new engine.