VAN ALSTYNE, TX- A Texoma home is gearing up to provide safe and sober living for women who've completed detox and are drug and alcohol free. It's called the "Dragonfly House." It'll house 12 women.

It's designed to help women stay away from drugs and alcohol. The house plans to open Thursday in the city of Van Alstyne in the 100 block of East Marshall Street. The old home has been there since 1884.


It's something most of us hear about. Drug and alcohol abuse. For one Texoma woman that abuse became a harsh reality.

"I was so beat down by the world. My friends turned against me," said Penny Shelton.

Feeling like she had nowhere to go, is something Penny Shelton wouldn't want anyone to face.

"It's the most hopeless feeling you'll ever feel to know that you have nowhere to turn," said Shelton.

On a mission to help women who are recovering and have gone through rehab, a new sobriety home for women is a saving grace.

 "These are people who play big roles in other people's lives and it's just important that we get them integrated back successfully," said founder Aubre Cotter.

The "Dragonfly" sober living home is open to women who've been sober for 14 days. The home is designed to help women realize they don't have to fall back into their past lifestyle. For Shelton, this home is heaven sent.

"Everything that I'd been praying for and everything that'd she'd being praying for it all came together," said Shelton.

It's a home of love. The 12 beds are blanketed with handmade quilts.

"It's an old home and you get that character and that cozy home feel right away when you walk in the doors," said Cotter.

Aiming to impact hundreds of lives, the home is a place Shelton says she along with many women can begin again. 

"It's a beautiful place to heal. A beautiful place," said Shelton.

For anyone who's interested in learning more on the organization, how to get in and apply, you can visit their website and Facebook page.