This week, our Behind The Kitchen Door cameras are in Van Alstyne. KTEN's Katy Blakey has a look at two popular restaurants.

Stop in for happy hour drink specials or for a morning burrito. The Sonic off Highway 75 in Van Alstyne recently scored a "B" on their April health inspection. The quick stop eatery received one critical violation after inspectors discovered a cooling unit was not properly working.

Health officials wrote, "The unit is not operating properly. Door is not properly making contact with the switch when closing...Milk product was immediately discarded."

We spoke with a manager on the phone. We were told that equipment is now working properly.

To downtown Van Alstyne - Romano's - known for their Italian fare - also scored a "B" on their health inspection. Their one critical violation came for not keeping the pizza prep table at the proper temperature. The problem was corrected on-site.

Behind the Kitchen Door, Katy Blakey, KTEN News