DENISON, TX - Some of Texoma's biggest "Clark Griswold's" gathered at Loy Lake Park tonight, hoping to add some bright new pieces to their own collections of Christmas decorations.

As Loy Lake Park gets ready for the crowds in another night of magical Christmas lights, another crowd gathers in the back of the park, for a unique holiday auction.

Theresa Caudle really really loves Christmas.

"I put up 12 Christmas trees in my house."

So when she heard the Grayson County was auctioning off some of their light displays at Loy Lake Park, she couldn't wait to put in her bids.

"I'm all about Christmas decorations so I think it's great that they were finally able to let go of some of them so some of us not in the business can get the lights," said Caudle.

County officials say the company they buy the displays from has gone out of business, and since they can't trade the older displays in now, they decided to give the public a chance at them, and make a little money to benefit the park.

"I didn't even think I would buy anything,"said Hogenson.

But he did.

Casey Hogenson and his son won the bid on the biggest display up for grabs.

This big bright angel.

He says it feels good knowing he's contributing to the community he loves.

"Grayson County is one of the most solid community minded counties you're going to anywhere in the state, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else," Hogenson said.